

原来是这么一个游戏~~谢谢ahmok33 tagged了我~~

The Tag
1. A – Available/Single? Married. 已婚,在法律上是已婚~~
2. B – Best friend? 一个吧~~知己难寻~~
3. C – Cake or Pie? Cake.
4. D – Drink of choice? 咖啡
5. E – Essential item you use every day? 手表
6. F – Favorite color?紫、白、蓝
7. G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? 2个都不喜欢

8. H – Hometown? 适耕庄
9. I – Indulgence? 会周公
10. J – January or February? 两个,一是宝贝的生日,二是情人节,我都喜欢
11. K – Kids & their names? 还没生|||
12. L – Life is incomplete without? 宝贝
13. M – Marriage date?3-7-2009
14. N – Number of siblings?3
15. O – Oranges or Apples? 苹果~~还好
16. P – Phobias/Fears?虚伪
17. Q – Quote for today? 精神涣散
18. R – Reason to smile? 看到孩子的纯真,看到宝贝的笑容
19. S – Season? 冬天
20. T –Tag 4 People? 宝贝 Roey Kakashi 月亮
1. U – Unknown fact about me? 软弱
22. V – Vegetable you don't like?西芹
23. W – Worst habit?脾气暴躁
24. X – X-rays you've had? 2-3次~~动鼻子手术时
25. Y – Your favorite food?巧克力、咖喱
26. Z – Zodiac sign? 天秤座

The Rules
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share the ABCs of you.
4. Tag 4 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let the 4 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag.

4 条评论:

  1. 我是笨蛋嗎?還是...?不會玩耶....

  2. 呵呵。。。FB也有人在玩這個。我也不懂是什么東東耶。。。

  3. 你们把rules读清楚,把我这一篇文字copy去你们的blog,然后那些红色的字放你们自己的答案~~就这样,明白吗?
